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Welcome to Huaer Zizhu Academy. It is an incredible privilege to represent this community as the Head of School, and I look forward to connecting with students, parents, educators, and community members who make up the Huaer Zizhu family.

Huaer Zizhu Academy empowers each student to thrive as a lifelong learner and courageous global citizen by fostering intellect, creativity, inclusivity and character. The success of our school lies in the dynamic student-teacher relationship.

Huaer Zizhu Academy has a dedicated staff that really care about the students that are enrolled at our school. Our teaching staff consist of passionate international teachers and dedicated Chinese teachers. It is a wonderful mix of very experienced teachers and enthusiastic newcomers that combine to offer the very best of learning opportunities.

Our curriculum is evolving as we ensure that students get a well-rounded education. We deliver a creative and inquiry-based curriculum, while encouraging the pursuit of personal and academic excellence. We believe that graduating students should have strong core academic skills, a broad analytical and critical thinking ability and be capable of operating in a rapidly changing world.

We not only encourage parents and family members to be involved in the school and their child’s education, but really have opportunities to discuss aspects of your child’s education.

We look forward to showing you our school - an institution of which we are very proud.

华二紫竹国际学院由紫竹国际教育园区联合上海市重点高中四大名校的华东师范大学第二附属中学共同举办,已经完成主流国际高中课程的全覆盖,开设IGCSE、A Level、IBDP、美高和AP课程。学院是IB世界学校的一员,DP课程获得了国际文凭组织IBO授权(授权号061320);IGCSE和A Level课程获得英国三大考试局授权,包括剑桥大学国际考试委员会CAIE授权 (授权号CN741)、牛津AQA本土及国际授权(授权号96046)和培生Edexcel授权(授权号94323);美高和AP课程则获得Cognia认证和美国大学理事会College Board授权(授权号694738)。




 联系人:欧阳老师 手机:17310788597  微信:Anne8597

     江老师 手机:18017921033  微信:jiangyue2046

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  •  Anne.OuYang
  • 电话:17310788597
  • 微信:Anne8597
  •  Grace.Jiang
  • 电话:18017921033
  • 微信:jiangyue2046


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